Grown in the bountiful lands of Fukui Prefecture, renowned as the birthplace of Koshihikari, this exceptional rice captivates with its delightful stickiness and sweetness that unfolds within the mouth. A true testament to nature's abundant blessings, this rice flourishes through the nurturing care of dedicated cultivators and environmentally conscious farming practices. Each grain embodies the harmonious fusion of nature's gifts, the heartfelt passion of its creators, and the sustainable approach to farming. Embrace the embodiment of nature's bounty and relish in the remarkable flavours that this rice, lovingly cultivated in Fukui Prefecture, has to offer.
This product is free from any allergens.
Storage Information
Store in a Cool, Dry place
Nutritional Information
Typical values per 100g: Energy: 1426kj / 336kcal, Fat: 0.9g, of which saturates: 0.29g, Carbohydrates: 75.6g, of which sugars: 0.2g, Fibre: 0.5g Protein: 6.1g, Salt: 0g
Rice 100%
Item Code
Premium Japanese Rice: Prefecture and Characteristics
Fukui Koshihikari - Japanese Rice 2kg
Rice Production Prefecture
Fukui Prefecture in Japan
Rice Characteristics